Friday, April 25, 2008

How Cool Is That

I've always loved Smithville, Texas and the surrounding area. The rolling hills of Bastrop and Beuscher state parks are amazing, and the area is pretty close to Austin - one of the great art and music hubs of the country.

So I happened upon the fact that right smack in the middle of this area is Bateman, Texas! Apparently the city is now unincorporated, but pretty neat to know it is there. We'll have to drop in for some BBQ on our next trip to Austin.

The fact that there was an ambitious Bateman back in the day made me wonder - where do all of the Batemans live? How unique are we within Texas? A quick Google search turned up these top 5 "Bateman States"
View the top state pages for Bateman

1. Texas 410 listings
2. Florida 367 listings
3. North Carolina 339 listings
4. California 326 listings
5. Utah 267 listings

Even more than I bargained for, there is a Bateman distribution map of the entire country! It is amazing the useless stuff you can find on the Internet :)

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