Monday, October 30, 2006

Do You Know The Pumpkin Patch?

Last weekend we took a trip to yet another pumpkin patch to try and get that perfect Halloween photo. You know the one: kids both looking at the camera and smiling. Perfect lighting with no wandering idiots in the background. Of course we did not get that elusive picture, but we did have a good time trying. Check out the pics and a movie clip. Oh yeah, and I am trying out a new photo sharing site called tabblo (thanks to Clay & Kim for this tip!). I have always been a big fan of snapfish, but tabblo appears to be a lot cooler even if the name is goofy. Check them both out and see what you think!

Tabblo: Halloween 2006

Jackson and Emily at the Pumpkin Patch
Check out our snapfish album of this event!
SnapFish Album

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Some More Pictures of Emily

Here is the latest round of pictures. No Jackson in this batch, just the baby girl:

Pictures of Emily at 5 Months
Check out our snapfish album of this event!
SnapFish Album

Monday, October 16, 2006

Severe Weather Alert!!!

Man, there is som pretty crazy weather outside right now! We have been seeing all kinds of warnings on the news about different types of weather advisories, but it's like... well what are we supposed to DO?!? I guess we could sleep in the bathroom, but who knows exactly how bad things are? Probably not too bad if I am sitting here blogging, right :)

So, just to give you an idea, here is what I get when I go to
Worst I have ever seen
So if the big tornado sweeping through the banner wasn't enough to get me concerned (wasn't there for other zip codes), maybe the fact that there were so many severe weather alers that I had to SCROLL TO THE RIGHT!!!! This is ridiculous. Gonna go make sure everyone is OK. Over and out...

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Do the DewBerry

We have just returned from a fun-filled morning of birthday action. We started out the morning with a short drive out in the country to DewBerry Farm. Luckily for us we already live way out west of town, so the drive was quick. We were meeting up with the McKennas who were celebrating the 2nd birthday of their son Travis who is one of Jackson's good buds.

This place had all kinds of cool stuff ranging from a gigantic pillow jump to acrobat goats. There was a petting zoo and playground, and Jackson was having a blast playing out in an area where he could safely run around and be a boy. Of course he was muddy within about 10 minutes of our arrival! Emily patiently watched as she was a bit too young to join in on most of the fun. Check out the pictures in our snapfish album below

Pictures From Travis's BDay at DewBerry Farm
Check out our snapfish album of this event! SnapFish Album

And we also took this short movie of Jackson picking out a pumpkin. It is a big file, but worth the download.

Next stop was to see Jack Clinard celebrating his birthday at Pump It Up -- one of Jackson's favorite places to burn off some toddler energy. He was able to play on all of the inflatable attractions on his own now that he is bigger, but this didn't stop Dad from joining in on the fun. Unfortunately, we don't have any pictures because our camera ran out of batteries!

Now we're finally back home after an exhausting day and the kids are taking their naps. I think Daddy is going to follow suit...