While at Jackson's birthday party last weekend, Brent Owen commented that the biggest adjustment for baby #2 was shifting back into a pattern of little or no sleep. After last night, I can concur. Although Angel and I feel OK today, last night was rough. For those of you who are not parents, I'll give you an idea of how things go in the hospital.

Newborns spend quite a bit of the first day in the nursery. However, this time is split up into many small chunks interspersed with vists to mommy and daddy. The attending nurses check vital signs and make sure the baby is getting nutrients each time they breastfeed which occurs every 2-3 hours at first. This means that every couple of hours you are feeding the baby, burping the baby, and probably changing their diaper. Luckily, after that is done the nurses want to see her again so you can catch a couple hours of sleep. However, just as you get comfortable it seems, the little one is back for the next round of feeding. Of course there is a separate nurse to make sure mommy is doing well, so they are coming in at various hours to draw blood, bring food, etc. Althought it is tough, Emily has been an outstanding eater and is sleeping very well. Up to this point, we feel very lucky that Emily is cooperating so well in order to get her the vital necessities she needs in these first critical days.